About Bideford Town Council

The Town Council, which has 16 councillors, is the grass roots level of local government and acts as a consultee and lobbying force with both the County and District Councils, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community. All councillors are unpaid volunteers and are required to complete Declaration of Interest detailing any interests that may affect their role as a councillor. Individual Declarations of Interest can be found on the Councillors page.

Legislation sets out the provides the power under which the Town Council may act and on what it may spend money. County and District Councils raise revenue in a number of different ways including council tax, business rates, fees and charges and funds from central government. However, Town and Parish Councils receive no money from central government and receive no contribution from the business rates paid in their town or parish.

7 May 2024
Last Updated
7 May 2024