Bideford Manor Court Ceremony 2025

Bideford Manor Court Ceremony – its history and how we have modernised it to work with today’s Town Council operations

Request for Presentments to Manor Court

Bideford Town Council would like to receive Presentments for Manor Court 2025, from residents of Bideford.  Presentments are ideas for ways of improving the Town. 

Manor Court originally dates back to around the 5th century as the Court Leet.  It was more commonly known through the more southern parts of England and its purpose then would have been to round up the miscreants and send them on to their punishment.  In today’s times, the principal purpose of the Court, apart from preserving the traditional ceremony, is to receive Presentments (ideas to improve the town) from the electors within the parish of Bideford for deliberation by the Council in the interests of the Town.  These Presentments will be considered and presented to the Court by the Jury, the members of which are required to be electors within the parish of Bideford. All jurors will be sworn in at the Court for that purpose.

This is the opportunity for Bideford people to put forward their thoughts for projects to improve the Town.  We do have to point out though that items relating to work carried out by Devon County Council or Torridge District Council does not come under the Town Council’s jurisdiction and cannot be acted upon. 

If you are not sure, do please contact us – 01237 428938 or

The deadline for receiving your presentments is 12 noon, Monday 3 March 2025.

Bideford Manor Court Ceremony will take place on 15 March 2025.  Bideford residents who wish to be considered for an invitation to attend the Manor Court Ceremony, please complete and return the coupon.

28 March 2024
Last Updated
4 September 2024