Progress with Zero Carbon Emission Targets

After the Town Council resolved to push forward on Zero Carbon Emission targets, the Town Rangers are now using zero emission electric tools for their tasks around the Town.

Using the strimmers, hedge-cutter and spraying equipment with robust batteries means their work on grass verges, hedgerows and the smaller green spaces is cleaner, less smelly and quieter for both employees and residents.

Chairman of the Decarbonisation and Environment Committee, Councillor Jack Gordon said “We are delighted that this is one more big step forward in our efforts to reach Zero Carbon”, he added “there are so many benefits to using the new equipment, not only with it being cleaner and less noisy for residents, but also so much better for our Rangers to use”.

Bideford Town Rangers holding the zero carbon emission strimmers, hedge-cutter and spraying 
equipment with robust batteries meaning their work on grass verges, 
hedgerows and the smaller green spaces is cleaner, less smelly and quieter for 
both employees and residents.
The Town Rangers using zero emission electric tools for their tasks around the Town.
5 September 2024
Last Updated
9 January 2025
Published in