The Port of Bideford Regatta

Bideford Regatta is an annual event held on the River Torridge.  It has been an  established part of the town’s history for at least 125 years.  Supported by the West of England Amateur Rowing Association, the Regatta forms part of the West of England Championship season which at present involves regattas at 10 different locations around the South West of England.

This thrilling event features races every 5 minutes along the quayside, making it a fantastic spectacle for all ages.

The town current boasts two historic rowing clubs:

  • The Blues (Bideford Amateur Athletic Club – BAAC): Founded in 1870 as a gymnastic club, it added a rowing section in 1897 and a running section in 1980.
  • The Reds (Bideford Amateur Rowing Club – BARC): Established in 1882, this club has been a staple on the Quay since 1939, with continuous improvements to its facilities.

This year’s event is on:

  • Saturday 29 June 2024 – with the racing commencing at 10.30am
  • Takes place between the two bridges 
  • This event is supported by the West of England Amateur Rowing Association rowing clubs and organised by the dedicated Bideford Regatta Committee.
  • Best of all, it’s free to watch!

The Mayor of Bideford and other local dignitaries from the town are regular attendees at the Regatta and together with Mayors from other towns in the South West come to watch and enjoy the spectacle.

Regatta 2025 – Dates TBC

12 July 2024
Last Updated
25 July 2024
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