Annual Citizen of The Year

Annual Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Awards

The purpose of the award is to recognise a person who has made a significant contribution to enriching the lives of Bideford residents.

Do you know anyone who would fit the bill for either of the above awards? 

Bideford Town Council presents an award annually to a person or organisation who resides or is based within the parish of Bideford, who make a significant contribution to the community and a real difference to the lives of Bideford residents.

What form will the award take?

The award is a framed scroll bearing the name of the individual/s or organisation.  This will be presented at the next Mayor Introduction Ceremony on 5 June 2025.

Who can make the nomination?

Any individual or organisation who resides or is based within the parish of Bideford.

Nomination Criteria:

Any person who is either living in or outside Bideford (providing that residents within Bideford have significantly benefited from their activities).

Young Citizens need to be under 18 years on 4 June 2025.

If the person nominated performs the task as part of their paid employment then in order to qualify their contribution must be well above and beyond that normally expected as part of their employment.

Town Councillors and Council Staff are not eligible for nomination.

When should nominations be made?

All nominations must be returned to the Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, Bideford by 12 Noon, 1 May 2025.

Nomination Forms are available from:

The Town Clerk, Bideford Town Council

01237 428938 or by email to:

or download and print the nomination forms from the links below:

31 January 2024
Last Updated
31 July 2024