Welcome to the Local Allotments!
Would you like to grow your own vegetables, flowers, fruit and herbs? If so, it might be that you would like to take on the tenancy of an allotment in Bideford. We currently have approximately 160 allotments spread over 4 sites in Bideford, which can be let to Bideford parishioners.
What are the benefits?
Over the past few years there has been a significant increase nationally in the number of people wishing to take on a plot on an allotment site. The benefits gained from working a plot are greater than just being able to produce your own, fresh produce. Working the ground and the physical exercise and fresh air involved, are good for your health and the social aspects are also available to be enjoyed. There is a good community spirit at all our sites, and there is always someone around to welcome new plot holders and give advice and help if required.

Allotment site and plot competition winners
Annually the Intersite Allotment Challenge takes place between the four allotment sites of Handy Cross, Pollyfield, Marland and Tricks. This includes the Best Allotment Site and the Best Allotment Plot in Bideford.
The judging is marked against a set of judging criteria and all the plots are carefully looked at, taking into account issues like cleanliness of the sites, the upkeep of the paths, the absence of weeds and the quality of the vegetables and fruit including variety and seasonality.
The winners will be awarded a cup, which they then keep for a year, and the judges also give commendations to other plots and these receive certificates of commendation.
The Allotment Site in your area of Bideford
Marland – Self Managed
This site is situated at the end of West Croft Junior School’s playing field, and accessed via Marland Terrace. The site can be a little windy, but the soil is reasonably good, if a little heavy in places. There are 25 full plots and 9 half plots on this site. There is currently no water on site, but the Marland Allotment Association is currently working hard to instigate some improvements on site, which will include the provision of water for each plot. There is a very good community spirit at the Marland Site and the majority of the plots are well worked. The Marland site is self-managed, which means it is run by the allotment holders for the allotment holders.
This site is situated behind the Pollyfield Centre at East the Water. There are fabulous views across the river from this site. A driveable pathway has been made for a limited number of plot-holder’s vehicles. There is a good community spirit at this site, and there is always someone on hand to welcome new people. The majority of plots here are well worked and the soil is good. There are 33 full plots on this site.
This site is situated between Pynes Lane and Backaborough Lane. There are fabulous views across Bideford and access is good. Vehicles can be parked on Capern Road and a limited number can be driven on site. The soil is excellent and there is rarely a weedy plot at Tricks. Members of the Tricks site are working hard to improve the site and have recently instigated some tree surgery to the boundary hedges. There are 61 full plots and 3 half plots on this site and there is nearly always someone on site. New plot holders are welcomed and there is always someone around from whom advice can be sought.
Handy Cross – Self Management
Set along Buckland Road, it’s hard to believe you are in Bideford. Handy Cross consists of 3 small fields of plots. The soil is good and the site is friendly. They are self-managed and have a great community ethic.
Further Information
How to Apply: You are eligible to apply for an allotment if you are on the register of electors for Bideford. Application forms can be obtained from the Council Offices, or can be downloaded and printed yourself from the links shown below.
If you have any further questions, please telephone 01237 428938 or email info@bideford-tc.gov.uk