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January 2023
Thu 5th January
February 2023
Thu 9th February
Thu 16th February
March 2023
Thu 23rd March
The Staff and General Finance Committee acts
- To exercise on behalf of the Council powers and duties within existing policies and practices of general concern to Bideford excluding those matters specifically dealt with by another Committee.
- To pre-investigate all financial decisions to ensure they fit with best value and are in the best interest of the tax payer and general public.
- To prepare and recommend to Council annually, no later than its December meeting, a budget for the following financial year.
- To consider and approve orders and expenditure which are within the Council’s existing budget.
- To consider and approve/refuse all applications for grants, loans or other financial assistance received by the Council.
- To approve and oversee any contracts or agency agreements entered into by the Council.
- To monitor the financial affairs of the Council and spending against the agreed budget.
- To consider and report to Council matters of a financial nature which may result in write-off of public monies.
- To monitor spending and use of resources to ensure the Council obtains best value.
- To consider all matters relating to the running of the Council, including administration, staffing and property management. This includes staff appraisals, pay and conditions of service, disciplinary and grievance procedures.
- To review and ensure Financial Regulations are kept up to date.
- To ensure compliance with Financial Regulations.
- To ensure clear communication with other Council Committees where matters under consideration have an impact across more than one Committee.
- The Documents Working Group will be a subset of the Staffing, Finance & General Purposes Committee.